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Joining the Discord is free. We have a few public facing channels but most of the content of value is available to subscribed members only.

Billing Questions

If you're seeing double subscription charges, please make sure that you've canceled other subscriptions on 3rd party platforms e.g. Mee6, Patreon, etc.

If you're a new user and have experience a double charge, please contact us and we'll work with you to get it sorted.

Discord Questions

If you signed up via the website, please make sure that you've followed the instructions on checkout and connected your Discord account to your customer account. You can only have one Discord account connected at a time.

To connect your Discord account, log into your customer account and on your account profile page, hit the green Discord connect button and follow the instructions.

If you are a user migrating from a previous platform e.g. Mee6, Patreon, etc. please make sure you cancel your subscription on the 3rd party platform and then try connecting your Discord account through your account profile here.

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